Saeki no Itaji (伊多智) (佐伯伊多智)

SAEKI no Itaji is a court noble in the Nara Period. His main name is SAEKI no Sukune. His name is also written in 伊多治, 伊太智, 伊多知 or 伊達 instead of 伊多智.

Brief Personal History

On October 14, 764 or September 11 on the old calendar, SAEKI no Itaji, who was Emonfu (Headquarters of the Outer Palace Guards) in the early period, worked on the Empress Koken's side in the Rebellion of FUJIWARA no Nakamaro. When the army of FUJIWARA no Nakamaro attempted to escape to Omi Province, Itaji and KUSAKABE no Komaro of Yamashiro Province went ahead of the FUJIWARA's army via Tawara-michi Road and came to Omi Province, burning out Setabashi Bridge and dampening their enthusiasm. After seeing the upset Oshikatsu's army heading for Takashima County, Itaji and his allies hurried horses and entered Echizen Province earlier than the enemy did, killing the son of Oshikatsu, FUJIWARA no Shikachi, Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) of Echizen Province. On October 14, 764 or September 12 on the old calendar, Itaji and his allies cheated Prince Shioyaki, and backed up him for an emperor. Itaji's force fought against Oshikatsu's army that reached Arachi no-seki checking station to enter Echizen Province and a few solders of Oshikatsu's army were died from arrows shot by Itaji and his allies. For this distinguished war service, Itaji was appointed to Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), and on October 20 or September 18 on the old calendar, FUJIWARA no Nakamaro, who had escaped, was put to the sword by IWAMURA no Iwatate. In October, Empress Takano abandoned Emperor Junin and became Empress Shotoku, and Itaji was appointed to Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) for hunting down and killing rebels. In the following year, on February 5, 765 or January 7 on the old calendar, Itaji was granted the Order of Second Class. Moreover, on April 8, 766 or February 21 on the old calendar, 20 towns of Kuden (rice fields given to those who did meritorious deeds for the state) and the right of land for generations were given to him.

On March 15, 768 or February 18 on the old calendar, Itaji, who became Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade), was appointed to Goefu (five guards) of Konoeheiryosei, Imperial Guard System, and on December 2 or October 15 (old calendar), he was appointed to Jushiijo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade).

On March 25, 771 or March 1 on the old calendar, Itaji, who was Konoehei Ryoge no kan (a post outside the original Ritsuryo code created by Imperial edicts), was additionally assigned to Shimotsuke no kami (the governor of Shimotsuke Province), leaving the capital for Shimotsuke Province. Further information about him was not recorded in kiki (the Kojiki and Nihonshoki) after that.

[Original Japanese]